brain power hour
Charlas poderosas


Brain Power Hours

charlas poderosas

Eric Wong, MD is a Research Professor of Neurology, Medicine, Neurosurgery & Radiation Oncology at Brown University and Attending Neuro-Oncologist at Rhode Island Hospital. He is an international authority on the treatment of glioblastoma. His seminal work helped the initial approval of the therapeutic device NovoTTF-100A by the FDA in 2011 and the publication of a textbook on Alternating Electric Fields Therapy in Oncology in 2016. In 2021, he was honored as a Distinguished Lecturer in the Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society of IEEE and presented with the Oncologist of the Year award by the Massachusetts Society of Clinical Oncologists.


Brain Power Hours

PLUS /y tambien: Stroke / Derrames Cerebrales | 1 PM

charlas poderosas

PLUS / y tambien: alzheimer’s | 11 AM